Dorothee Schreiber is trained as an ethnohistorian (PhD) and ecological scientist (MSc), specializing in fisheries and wildlife management and the histories of Indigenous hunting and fishing rights in Canada. She has been working with First Nations communities in BC, Quebec, and Ontario for over ten years on oral history projects, traditional ecological knowledge studies, land use and occupancy research, and archival research. Much of her work has involved linking the knowledge of hunters, fishers, trappers, and other land users with ecological science, and developing ecological and policy analyses that highlight the strengths of Indigenous knowledge. She is interested in issues such as aerial spraying, fisheries and wildlife management, water and contaminants, and climate change impacts in the north. Dorothee's interdisciplinary background allows her to integrate evidence from diverse sources and from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous scientific traditions.
For more information, see: www.dorotheeschreiber.com